
Map out New Listings, Open Houses, Contracts, Failed Listings, and Sold Properties within your neighborhood.

View details about each property including multiple photos, virtual tours, square footage, and even sold prices and closing cost help for closed properties.

Compare photos property by property, room by room.

Updates since the previous email will be highlighted for you. All data is up to the minute accurate, straight from the MLS.

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Click on the link in the verification email
We setup your Neighborhood Monitor
You receive email alerts of new listings, contracts & solds
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Why am I being asked for this?

We must be able to find your property in the MLS and public record databases in order to setup the search for your specific neighborhood or area. If the name given does not match the owner of record for the property, we will email you to verify your relationship with the property prior to setting up the Monitor service. This information will not be used for any other purpose than for setting up your HR Monitor emails.

Neighborhood Monitor is a service provided by Hagan Realty in the District of Columbia, Maryland, & Virginia. For more information please visit